Politique de qualité

Politique de qualité

Quality policy


The staff of MITA Cooling Technologies Srl, in carrying out the activities established by the Sole Director, must make the most of their efforts, their knowledge and skills in order to ensure customer satisfaction and efficiency of work processes in order to increase competitiveness of the company on consolidated and emerging markets.

At the strategic corporate level, the following objectives are therefore considered as priorities:

  • customer satisfaction;
  • continuous adaptation of the company structure and production capacity to market needs;
  • valorization of resources;
  • compliance with mandatory requirements;
  • compliance with contractual requirements;
  • abatement of defects and non-compliance in the provision of the service;

In order to achieve the objectives set, the Sole Director of MITA Cooling Technologies Srl has introduced the Quality Management Service, under its direct dependencies, with the aim of creating and maintaining a quality management system effective in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, whose requirements are outlined in this manual.

Furthermore, the quality management system is intended as a tool to:

  • optimize company activities and encourage continuous improvement;
  • carry out systematic monitoring, through appropriate indicators, of the activities carried out;
  • verify the results obtained;
  • provide for any corrective, preventive and improvement actions.

The Quality Management Service Manager is responsible for supporting the implementation of this quality policy, also promoting the necessary training and awareness actions for internal personnel and outsourced resources.

Each Company Service Manager must ensure, within the scope of his/her competences, the achievement of the objectives set.

Any dispute must be reported to the Sole Administrator, who will act as arbitrator and report the methods for resolution.

All staff are required to provide their contribution so that the quality policy can be implemented.

The implementation of this quality policy and the verification of the achievement of the objectives set will be systematically verified by the Sole Director.


Environment Policy

With this statement, the Sole Director of MITA Cooling Technologies Srl makes known to all the people who work for the organization or on behalf of it, that the defence of the environment and the systematic control of the environmental impact due to its activity, products and services, are an integral part of company policy.

For this reason, it is proposed to implement an Environmental Management System, integrated with a safety management system, structured according to the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard through the creation of the Environmental Management and Safety Service under its direct dependencies.

The pursuit of this objective requires full compliance with current environmental legislation and regulations, as well as the commitment of the Sole Director to:

  • identify and improve, in relation to its activities, products and services, the truly significant
    environmental aspects;
  • verify the achievement of the objectives set;
  • implement corrective and preventive actions;
  • reduce energy consumption;
  • reduce the production of waste, in particular waste classified as having high environmental impact;
  • reduce atmospheric pollution and sound emission;
  • promote, where applicable, the recycling of materials;
  • evaluate in advance the environmental impact in the selection of new equipment and in the definition
    of working methods;
  • prepare an internal safety plan.

Compliance with these commitments involves:

  • the awareness, involvement and training of all the people who work for the organization or on its
    behalf with regard to environmental issues;
  • the use, where possible, of technologies with low environmental impact;
  • the involvement of its suppliers in the use of recyclable and easily disposable packaging;
  • the establishment of collaborations with the Control Authorities and the environmental protection
  • the regulatory and legislative update.

The implementation of this environmental policy and the verification of the achievement of the objectives set will be systematically verified, at least once a year and during the Management Review, by the Sole Director.


Safety Policy

MITA Cooling Technologies Srl has set itself the primary objective of ensuring the balance between the corporate purposes contemplated in the articles of association and the requirements for safeguarding the health of individuals. It is the company’s intention to operate in compliance with the safety of its employees, its customers, the populations living near the plants and third parties in general, preventing the occurrence of accidents and mitigating any harmful effects.

The Sole Director is aware that some of the activities are carried out in the presence of dangerous substances and carrying out processes that are associated with risks of accident or injury. This situation is currently unavoidable in the context of the company purposes, in light of current technological know how. On the other hand, for some time now, the company has dedicated considerable attention to the safety and health policies of workers, both in terms of human and financial resources.

In order to achieve the desired and possible levels of safety, also avoiding the occurrence of accidents or injuries, it is essential to have thorough knowledge of the activities carried out and the dangers associated with them. Therefore, it is necessary to use adequately trained staff, realize systems according to high quality and safety standards and operate them according to criteria that place the necessary attention to safety and health.

MITA Cooling Technologies Srl accepts and adopts the contents of Legislative Decree 81/08. This Management System is therefore an integral part of the general management system applied to the Siziano production unit.

MITA Cooling Technologies Srl therefore develops, issues, revises and implements employee safety plans to
ensure that:

  • the risk of accidents and injuries, understood as a combination of the probability of occurrence and the severity of the effects, is the minimum reasonably achievable with the current state of knowledge and technology;
  • compliance with applicable laws, regulations, specifications and national and international standards is constantly ensured;
  • the legislative and regulatory developments on safety are followed promptly and the new provisions are promptly adapted;
  • we can demonstrate the constant commitment in terms of protection of health and safety both with respect to the authorities and the population;
  • the systems and their modifications are designed and operation is in such a way as to ensure compatibility with the protection of safety and health, minimizing the use of resources;
  • all employees are informed, educated and trained to operate with full knowledge of the potential risks associated with the activities;
  • secondary products are produced which, when used, handled, stored, distributed and disposed of according to company regulations, allow operating in safety;
  • surveillance procedures are introduced and applied in order to monitor the realization of this policy also by conducting periodic audits aimed at verifying the efficiency and adequacy of the measures adopted;
  • there is the provision of measures to ensure that all third parties working on behalf of the company adopt behaviours, practices and procedures consistent with the principles defined in this policy.

The commitments set out above are commensurate with the human, technical and economic capabilities of MITA Cooling Technologies Srl and the objectives set are in line with the aforementioned capabilities.

The implementation of this safety policy and the verification of the achievement of the objectives set will be systematically verified, at least once a year and during the Management Review, by the Sole Director.

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