Technical training of operators

Easy to use and maintain coolers

Remote cooling and monitoring technologies are meant to be simple and intuitive - operators have proof of this from post-installation training.

Simplicity and maintainability

Our devices are designed to be easy to operate by plant managers: convenient internal access hatches make maintenance even easier.

Operators get a demonstration of this through training on cooling technology, and possibly Industry 4.0 management: all organised by MITA personnel.

Tell Us Your Needs
Technical Training in Cooling Technologies

Comprehensive manuals

Our machines are designed to be easy to operate by plant managers: convenient internal access hatches make maintenance even easier.

Operators get a demonstration of this through training on cooling technology, and possibly Industry 4.0 management: all organised by MITA personnel.


  • Specialised personnel to show operators how easy it is to use the machines.
  • PDF manuals available for download.
  • 60 years of experience and best-practice knowledge at your service.
Contact Us and Find How We Work

Tools to help you choose

Cooling Advisors

First goal: ask the right questions to the customer and involve him selecting the best cooler. We have been doing this since 1960.

Preliminary plant evaluation

The visit to the plant is a fundamental moment to find the right information on your needs, together with your technicians and the engineering firms involved.

Tailor-made design

Complete range of coolers and chillers, dozens of variants for each type, solutions for each application and important customizations: MITA's design is truly tailor-made.
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