Technical Proposal Engineering
and Project Management
The optimal production of your cooler
The achievement of your requirements is also based on consulting and sharing information. The Technical Proposal Engineers will realize your needs: customizations, structural calculations, consumption optimization and ROI. While the Project Manager will coordinate all phases, from the kick-off meeting to installation, hearing from you and your engineers.
How your proposal is technically engineered
The engineering of the offer is a phase of active technical support for commercial consultants, designed by MITA to best meet your project needs. Some tasks of our Technical Proposal Engineers.
- Customization of the product through tailor-made solutions.
- Customized thermal and structural calculations on the equipment to be made.
- Consumtpion optimization and forecast of return on investment through advanced analysis software.

Project Management
The MITA Project Manager follows your project from the Kick-off meeting (KOM) to the installation: an expert and problem-solver person who has the task of planning, coordinating and carrying out the various development phases, constantly monitoring progress of the order.
Each stage of the project is subjected to the Deming Cycle (plan – do – check – act): a continuous interaction, mediated by the Project Manager, between the customer and the various players to ensure quality and compliance with the indicated deadlines.
- Constant presence of expert interlocutors.
- Product innovation and customization according to your request.
- Quality and compliance with deadlines.