Industrial chillers

Output temperatures down to -20 ° and remote control as a standard: the industrial chillers proposed by MITA are suitable for all the industrial processes.

MITA offers different configurations of air-cooled or water-cooled industrial chillers: all equipped with electronic microprocessor for setting and displaying the outlet liquid temperatures and all suitable for Industry 4.0.

  • Process Fluid Chillers: Air Condensation by Axial Fans. These process fluids (water, glycol / water) chillers are based on the air-condensed compression of environment-friendly gas. They allow to obtain temperatures of the chilled liquid between -5°C and +40°C.
  • Liquids Chillers with Free-cooling. These process fluids (water, glycol / water) chillers are designed to guarantee high energy savings of up to 80% as compared to the version without the “free-cooling” system. The actual saving is based on the machines operating conditions. They are enbloc units featuring separate, indipendent systems for maximum performances and reliability under all circumstances and allowg to make the most of the room available in the plants. For these models we developped a particular feature which is specially designed to allow the automatic operation of three different cooling systems.
  • Water Condensed Liquids Chillers. These process fluids (water, glycol / water) air condensed chillers are based on the compression of environment-friendly gas. They allow to obtain temperatures of the chilled liquid between +1°C and +40°.

Some advantages of industrial process chillers.

  • Autonomous unit, with air condensation.
  • Maximum reliability and performance proven by strict internal tests.
  • Customizations and flexibility Up to 80% of energy savings in the versions with free cooling system.

The industrial chillers are designed by our Group company Frigofluid: a recent acquisition that is perfectly in line with MITA Group's development and growth strategy in the field of cooling: alongside evaporative and adiabatic technologies, there are also refrigeration technologies.

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    Cooling Advisors

    First goal: ask the right questions to the customer and involve him selecting the best cooler. We have been doing this since 1960.

    Preliminary plant evaluation

    The visit to the plant is a fundamental moment to find the right information on your needs, together with your technicians and the engineering firms involved.

    Tailor-made design

    Complete range of coolers and chillers, dozens of variants for each type, solutions for each application and important customizations: MITA's design is truly tailor-made.
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