Solutions for Green Refrigerants in Refrigeration

To increase chiller performances

High efficiency, low GWP: this is how commercial and industrial refrigeration carried out with green refrigerants takes place. This is possible with the support of a subcooling unit, which can be easily integrated into the chiller.

A green choice in refrigeration

Green refrigerants such as carbon dioxide (CO2) are the present and the future of industrial and commercial refrigeration (food storage, supermarkets, etc.): these solutions have a high heat exchange coefficient, as well as being environmentally friendly as they have a low GWP (global warming potential).

However, they can present a critical issue: efficiency losses occur at high outside air temperatures.

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Cooling Technologies in the Supermarkets
Alchemist Subcooler for the Commercial Refrigeration

Subcooling to reconcile green choices and efficiency

So how can efficiency be increased? By adding MITA’s patented adiabatic subcooler, for example, downstream of a dry gas cooler or to a chiller in retrofit cases.

This solution can also significantly reduce water consumption compared to solutions with adiabatic gas coolers.

Advantages of a subcooler in refrigeration systems

  • Guaranteed performance and respect for the environment.
  • Easy-to-install solution with compact design.
  • Optimised efficiency thanks to inverter operation.
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