Installation Context
drying leather for tanneries, production and processing of textile fibers.

Textile Industry and Tanneries
The demands of these industries are linked to the most variable temperature changes, depending on the single production process. An example is the drying of leather in tanneries, carried out thanks to vacuum pumps: the liquid ring of these tools is cooled by a cooling tower. Usually, dirty water is treated: for this very reason, open cooling towers with wide-passage exchange packs are suggested. The durability of the solutions adopted is appreciated: fiberglass is a plus.
dirty waters handling, long life, highly variable output temperatures.
Overview of Cooling Technologies
integrated management systems, open cooling towers for dirty waters applications.
Focus: Cooling technologies for tanneries
In the example of leather drying for tanneries, cooling technologies are used to cool the liquid ring of the vacuum pump.
The entrainment of leather that can occur makes the water organically polluted. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some constructive measures, including the exchange pack (if an evaporative cooling tower is used) for partially dirty water type “GS” and the anti-clogging spray nozzles (with tangential connection).
The temperature difference normally envisaged is 7 ° C. The inlet temperature is 36 ° C while the outlet temperature is 29° C (compatibly with the wet bulb temperature of the installation area).
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MITA Solutions

Industrial Chillers
Output temperatures down to -20 ° and remote control as a standard: the industrial chillers proposed by MITA are suitable for all the industrial processes.

Industrial Dry Coolers
Ease of installation and use, remote control and zero water consumption. Industrial dry coolers are the right solution for cooling fluids requiring medium-high output process temperatures.

Spare Parts
Keep your cooling system efficient and safe by replacing its obsolete components. The result? It will look like a newly installed technology.

PAD-V Adiabatic Cooler
Ideal for water and energy saving maintaining a high efficiency. All operations are managed by PLC with the possibility of remote management in “Industry 4.0” mode. Suitable for both industrial and HVAC fields of application.

PAD-VR Adiabatic Condenser
Ideal for water and energy saving maintaining a high efficiency. All operations are managed by PLC with the possibility of remote management in “Industry 4.0” mode. Both HVAC and refrigeration sectors can be served.

PMS Evaporative Open-Circuit Cooling Tower
It is a cooling tower for industries of any type and for any water quality: very compact, self-supporting, light and long-lasting non-corrodible fiberglass structure.

PME-E Open-Circuit Evaporative Cooling Tower
A light and non-corrodible open-circuit evaporative cooling tower: process industry and HVAC operators will be able to count on its multiple versions and ease of transport and installation.

PMM Modular Cooling Tower
This is a series of large industrial cooling towers for power generation, steel and aluminium processing, cogeneration and other large production sites. Efficiency, high performance, reduced installation and transport costs are granted.

PU Industrial Cooling Tower
The PU series field-erected industrial cooling tower can serve very large plants: especially oil & gas, chemical and power generation. Available for all industrial water. Different materials are supplied according to project needs: concrete, steel, fiberglass and pultruded.

MCT Open-Circuit Evaporative Cooling Tower
Compact design and reduced dimensions: a range of evaporative cooling towers with centrifugal fans for special space configurations.

Economax Cooling Tower for Ice-Cream Parlous
Ice cream shops waste from 3,000 to 7,000 euros of water every year to cool their equipment: Economax cooling tower for ice cream shops cut water consumption of display cases, batch freezers and pasteurizers. A compact, silent and environmentally friendly solution.

MCC Closed-Circuit Evaporative Cooling Tower
Some industries need to keep the chemical-physical characteristics of the process fluids unchanged: in these cases, MCC closed-circuit evaporative cooling tower joins the game. Possibility to work in free-cooling mode.

MCC-T Modular Closed-Circuit Evaporative Cooling Tower
MCC-T closed circuit evaporative tower allows to keep process fluids unaltered even in large plants. Some examples of applications: oil & gas, food industries, large paper mills. Easy transport of modules over long distances with reduced costs.

MCE Industrial Condenser
Compact, efficient and easily accessible: MCE industrial condenser ensures refrigeration operators all the operating standards of its own technology class. The typical MITA evaporative coolers’ durability over time is a plus.

Alchemist Subcooler
Performance, consumption savings and environmental sustainability thanks to a patented plug & play subcooler: the solution for CO2 or other refrigerant systems.

MITA Control System
MITA Control System allows programming and modulating cooler’s performances during its use in a very simple way. Electricity consumption optimization is granted.

Salinity Dosing and Control Stations
Cooling tower water has to be properly managed to keep the cooler always safe and efficient. Automatic solutions should be preferred. Systems for conditioning product dosing and salinity control: the heart and soul of tower water treatment.

Reinforced Concrete Tanks
A solution to properly (and separately) manage the hot and cold water of the evaporative system. Valves, solenoid valves, taps and fittings are supplied together with the concrete tanks.

MITA Systems Cooling Stations
Complete solutions specifically studied and designed for a more efficient and automatic management of evaporative cooling towers and coolers.

MITA IoT Platform 4.0
Your cooler is transformed into a connected cooler “industry 4.0”: performance, consumption, maintenance just a click away.